Saturday, November 19, 2016

Genius Hour Lesson

It's Time for Genius Hour!

"Genius hour is a movement that allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom.  It provides students a choice in what they learn during a set period of time during school."
- Chris Kesler, 

Start right here with this awesome video!

The assignment is pure PASSION!

Students will decide on a specific topic that they WANT to learn about.  Individually they will design a presentation around a provoking question they have and use technology to research and develop information that will cultivate insight and interest for their topic.  The project will culminate in a day of learning and presentations that the whole student body and faculty can enjoy! 

Genius Hour is self-assessed.  Step by step, students will meet checkpoints that they can self-assess, critique, and edit.  At the end of Genius Hour, students will collect feedback from peers and faculty members and use that with their earlier assessments to decide on a final grade for the project.

Your Path the Genius Hour:

Day 1. Make a chart of 4-6 topics that you're passionate about. Think about ideas, questions, and areas of interest that you want to learn and explore.  In your chart answer the following questions: Does your topic fall into a STEM category? Do you have more to learn about this topic than you already know about it?  Does your topic inspire you to inspire others and why? Will evolving your presentation involve the use of known and knew technologies? As you learn about your topic, do you think you'll be able to innovate new ideas that push you and the topic to new heights?

Day 2. Decide which of your topics you are most passionate to continue through Genius Hour. Consider which topic was able to answer "yes" to the most questions asked of it. Submit your choice in a one page explanation to the Genius Hour dropbox for approval before moving on to step 3. Why and how will you share your passion?

Day 3. Find a podcast on your topic.  Research a podcast by a credible source that helps to introduce you to your topic and fuel your passion for innovation.  Consider searching TED Talks.

Day 4. Share your topic with a peer.  See what a peer thinks about your topic and collect inquisitive conversation and constructive discussion that will help shape your research. Use the Graphic Organizer found on our Haiku Genius Hour page to get started. Based on your conversation with your peer, assess how your Genius Hour is taking shape so far.  Write a 1 paragraph review and submit to the Genius Hour dropbox.

Day 5-7. Start researching your topic and how you will present your Genius Hour idea.  Use multiple websites and outside sources to collect information. Go for 2-3 scientific journal sources, 2-3 web resources, and 2-3 technology based aids that you plan to include in your presentation.

Day 8. Map out your Genius presentation and begin to assemble your multimedia components. Consider using KeyNote, Microsoft Powerpoint, or Google slides.  Share with me or a peer during the class period to be sure you're on the right track and that your presentation is already leaving others wanting more!

Day 9-10. Build Build Build! Add your background, research, ideas, and plan for your Genius topic.  Be sure to include multiple graphics, links, videos, sound, notes for speaking, and a future path/questions for your topic/ideas.  Your presentation should last between 3-5 minutes.

Day 11. Spend time practicing your presentation. Like any great proposal at Apple or Microsoft, ideas are received by an audience and can live to materialize or die right then and there depending on the speaker.  This is your chance to make sure you presentation is ready and will be well received.  Edit for spelling and grammar, test your links, practice speaking out loud. In small focus groups, you'll have an opportunity to test out your presentation to peers.  Be sure to have them ask questions about your presentation so you can practice answering in a professional way.

Day 12.  It's Genius Hour Day!  Time to present our work to the school! Come dressed to impress in a professional way.  

You'll need access to...
The Internet
KeyNote, Powerpoint, or Google Slides
Scientific journals (access granted through district links)

Common Core Standards Addressed by Participating in Genius Hour:

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